Structural Inspection of underwater facilities and infrastructures, including “PEER” the world’s only non-destructive system for detecting and measuring damage in timber piles due to marine borers.
Inspection and Maintenance of submarine cable runs, pipelines, and outfalls.
Underwater Structural Rehabilitation of piles, piers, abutments, bulkheads, relieving platforms, dolphin and other bearing or fendering units.
Sonar Services including electro-acoustic fathometric survey, side-scan sonar, precision cross-sectional profiling and sub-bottom sonar capabilities.
Design and In-Water Repair and Replacement of Wastewater treatment facility systems.
Underwater Non-Destructive Testing : Core sampling, sediment sampling, sub-bottom imaging and ultrasonic thickness measurement.
Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) - Inspection services with pipeline penetration runs up to 3,600'.
Waterfront Construction of steel sheetpile bulkheads, wooden bulkheads, floating docks, piers, and breakwaters.
System Design and Engineering of commercial and military systems. We leverage our extensive operational experience to engineer reliable and efficient electronic and mechanical systems to improve our operational capabilities.