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Sewage Treatment Plant /

HAZMAT Diving Services

BioHazard Diving Services

Our ability to put divers safely into contaminated sewage effluent has given municipal agencies, like the Bridgeport Water Pollution Control Authority and Fairfield Sewer Department a dependable contracting source when requirement for underwater emergency repairs, in-water system upgrades and scheduled maintenance arise. Our dive teams are equipped and trained to conduct inspection operations in dangerously polluted waters. Waterways such as Newtown Creek, Gowanus Canal, Boston, Baltimore and New York Harbors, Passaic River, Red Hook Terminal, as well as municipal sewage treatment facilities, pose no hazard to our inspection crews. Well maintained diving helmets, drysuits and special support equipment designed for use in contaminated waters give us capabilities others cannot match.



|Home||Co.Profile||Submersibles||Underwater Inspection||Underwater Construction||Marine Construction||Coastal Project Planning||Hazmat Diving|
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