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Drake Associates performed the Underwater rehabilitation of sewage treatment plant ocean outfall in 60’ of seawater beneath the Cape Cod Bay. All work was performed by an 8-man team of surface-supplied commercial divers and crane operators, working from two barges (shown here) and a diving workboat 3,000 feet offshore. The project involved removal and rehandling of 1,500 tons of rip rap, placement of 1,000 tons of processed stone and the installation of 800 tons/15,000SF of articulated concrete block mattresses atop 700 LF of 30” outfall pipe and 12 individual outfall diffuser lines. Each diffuser line required internal cleaning, replacement of flanged flexible rubber couplings and the installation of new protective concrete arches. The work was successfully completed in October 1999 despite adverse weather and sea conditions.

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bluesquare.gif - 49 Bytes CONCRETE REVETMENT MATS bluesquare.gif - 49 Bytes

The use of concrete mats in the intertidal and underwater environment is increasingly more commonplace. Drake Associates is a specialist in installing concrete mats underwater. The mats must be positioned precisely and then connected to create a continuous mat covering the entire area.

revetmentmat.JPG - 22859 BytesDrake Associates installed 15,000 square feet of concrete revetment mats during rehabilitation of a sewage treatment outfall in Cape Cod Bay off the coast of Massachusetts.

Underwater and Intertidal

Structural Rehabilitation Contracting

A specialty, where we have particularly distinguished ourselves, is the ability to comprehensively analyze a client’s specific requirements and/or technical problems and then design, plan and implement an imaginative and cost effective solution. Customized installations as the water-tight sealing of four river-water intake strainers shown here, have become a Drake Associates trademark. We will provide creative answers to your most difficult marine and aquatic problems. Our engineer-diver teams are prepared to fulfill all your technical-mechanical diving requirements from innovative design and applications for permits, to actual project execution and successful completion. Our past performance and distinguished and satisfied client list attests to our record of accomplishment. Past clients have invariably become repeat customers.

Intake strainer

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